Saturday, April 21, 2007

Our Life In Saudi

It has been almost 2 years since my last post. But today, I got a wonderful surprise to receive an email from my long lost sister. I started writing this post since 2007 however never did finish it. Many friends I know are still wondering how we live in the middle of the Saudi Arabian desert. Ofcourse before Aramco, the very site we are living now, was no more than sand and rocks. Guess what oil money can do to this desert....quite a lot!

I dedicate this post especially my dearest sis, who has very much inspired me during my early days. I hope one day we can meet again, insyaAllah.


We came to Saudi in June 2005. We really don't know what to expect. After few months living in a small community here in an Aramco camp, we found out that it is really not that bad. The 4-bedroom townhose came with central AC, 3 baths, fully equipment kitchen with stove, oven, dishwasher, garbage disposal and complete with washer and dryer. The house is wired with broadband, full car garage and water heating system.

Saudi Aramco "town-houses"


Living room.

The other very good thing about this place is the international school. The children really love going to school...there are only 7-10 students in one class. The only set-back is there is no Islamic subject...this we have to work on ourselves.

Junior Tennis Club seemed to be the most favourite club in the camp. Thanks to Dr Estrella and his team of volunteers.

Lukman's classroom.

Very well decorated school library.

Ofcourse there are many nationalities living in the camp - Indians, Pakistanis, American, Japanese, African, Canadians, Russian, Algerian, Venezuela, Columbia, Indonesian, Phillipinos name it, you can meet any nationalities here in this camp. We are very fortunate for this opportunity to living in such a broad mix community, especially for our children whom we hope to grow and fit well in the "borderless world" of the future.
And students always enjoyed the water fun day on the last day of the tri-semeter.

Adam & Lukman, when they in good mood together..

Ocassionally there are community events like this one here - Bicycle Day..

An old photo..some 2 yrs plus ago, infront of our home.

More recent photos..

Adam, during last school track meet.
Adam, during a Abqaiq international food festival concert.

This photo was taken when I was at the rig site...sand-storm coming.

A happy family:

(Clockwise from left) Muhammad Lukman Hakim, NurAmirah Rosaliena Wee, Abdul Halim, Adam Malik, Nur Aisya Sofea & Nur Khaliesa Nadia.


Lilo, the spoilt cat.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Umrah 2007

Alhamdulillah pada 5 hb April 2007, dengan izin Allah, kami sekeluarga tiba di kota suci Mekah dan menunaikan sunat Umrah yang pertama kali dalam hidup kami. Maha suci Allah, dengan limpah rahmatNya kami sempat bersembahyang dan berdoa didepan Kaabah.

Untuk Mak, Ayah, abang2, adik2, keluarga dan sahabat handai, kami doakan semuga Allah ampun dosa-dosa kita, semuga ditujukkanNya kita kepada jalan yang benar, semuga diberikan kita kesejahteraan dan kejayaan didunia dan akhirat.

Selama tiga hari berada disana rasanya tidak puas. Kami bertekad akan kembali lagi, insyaAllah.

Alhamdulillah on April 5th, 2007, we finally made it to the Holy Kaabah. We praise Allah for this opportunity. In front of the Kaabah, we all prayed. May Allah bless our family, friends and all the Muslims around the world. May He guide us to the right path. May He give us good health, wisdom and success to us all.

We like to thank Raja Azlan, Rozi and family for their help and guidance to make this such a meaningful and memorable trip.